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In our search for the best bass fishing tackle in the world we see and reject lots of new lures because the baits are just not effective or the quality is not what we'd buy and use ourselves. The high quality of these Deps lures first attracted our attention and we were even more impressed with how well they caught fish.

The Deps Buzzjet is a whole new concept in topwater lures, combining features from some of the hottest lures on the market today. Buzzjet offers a great walk-the-dog action with plenty of noise from the loud multiple rattle and plenty of splash from the bait itself and from the tail prop. Need a shallow running crankbait? Buzzjet will bulge and wake with the best of them. Rip it and the prop will drag a trail of bubbles underwater and the sliding weight system will shift and the bait will dart for the surface head first, just like a fleeing baitfish. Deadstick the Buzzjet with occasional twitches and darts to tantalize wary fish until they can't stand it anymore and HAVE to smash the bait. How ever you choose to use the Buzzjet you will have one of the most versatile hardbaits on the market today.

Deps Length Weight Class
 Buzzjet Jr. 3" 1/2oz Subsurface