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Delivering performance that is second-to-none, the Megabass IXI Shad Type 3 Crankbait is designed to attack its target depth range with explosive action, speed, and effectiveness. Built with a patented Linear Bearing Oscillator system (LBO) that replaces a traditional weight transfer system, the Megabass IXI Shad Type 3 Crankbait provides bullet-like casts and a perfectly balanced swimming action that will remain true no matter what retrieve speed. The Megabass IXI Shad Type 3 Crankbait’s shad shaped body and precisely angled sides also produces a dazzling high-pitched rolling action and unique vibration, which creates strong pressure waves under water and triggers aggressive reaction strikes.

Perfect for fishing around rocks, wood, docks, and stumps, the Megabass IXI Shad Type 3 Crankbait is engineered with master lure designer Yuki Ito’s “forward falling theory” which allows the bait to make hard contact with structure and generate exceptional deflections to minimize snagging. Covered in lifelike details as well, the Megabass IXI Shad Type 3 Crankbait is equipped with 3D eyes, molded gill plates, and textured scales that come to life in the water and fool fish into thinking it is the real thing. Available in multiple custom colors, the Megabass IXI Shad Type 3 Crankbait is a highly innovative bait that simply outperforms all other crankbaits. 

Megabass Length Weight Depth
IXI Shap Type 3 2-1/4" 1/4oz 7-8ft