The B-Dog Buzzer will get plenty of those topwater flushes that we all live for! Most buzzbaits have to be "broken in" or "worked" to get the sound just right. Each B-Dog buzzer's blade is individually tuned out of the package to give the fish the sound that gets fish's attention. Built around a custom flattened head with a slight keel, it gets gets up quickly and tracks well. You can slow it down to a crawl to entice those stubborn fish to strike. The Mustad Ultrapoint hook is super sharp and will withstand big fish abuse.
Named after the B-dog(the best fishing dog ever) who is no longer with us.
The 1/2 oz. size has a large (size A) blade with a right hand rotation and a 5/0 Mustad NeedlePoint hook.
The 3/8 oz. size has a medium (size C) blade with a right hand rotation and a 4/0 Mustad NeelePoint hook.